Monday, January 31, 2011

NWS Watch / Warning

Stolen from a David Letterman monologue.....
The national weather service winter weather alert:
  • Winter storm watch
  • This watch will soon be upgraded to a winter storm warning watch
  • The warning watch will be followed by a warning-warning
  • Then a warning-watch warning
  • Then the warning-watch-warn
  • Then warning-warning-watcho watch
  • Finally -- all clear as the storm ends.
Here's how I think winter weather alerts should be posted.....
The MJBflyfish winter weather alert:
  • Look at a calendar
  • Is it October, November, December, January, February, March or April
  • Look at a map
  • Do you live in the Midwest
  • If your response to the above is positive, it might snow
  • Deal With It!

    Saturday, January 1, 2011

    Family - Julian's First Overnight

    First overnight at grandma and grandpa's house.  I've got a new highchair and toy ball to keep me entertained.  Now let's hope the old people are up to the challenge.

    Looks like I wore grandpa out since he and I are still in our PJs.  In fact, we were still in them when mom and dad came to get me.  Guess maybe grandpa and grandma aren't used to getting up at 3 AM for a snack.